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Hi, I'm Tin from the Philippines. I'm a MOMfluencer and a full-time SAHM to our baby as I'am blessed that my hubby gifted me the opportunity to take care of our first born son 24/7.

During my pre-baby days, I used to be a Montessori teacher, a brand manager for a multinational company, then became an entrepreneur for a while because when I received some lemons, I literally made lemonades out of it haha and I also became a part-time travel blogger (since 2012) in between those working years. I have worn several hats in the past 10 years but being a wife and a mom is THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD.

My hubby and I have been together since university days and we've travelled on a shoestring budget to more than 20 countries for the past 8 years. We made a commitment to travel at least once a year while we're still at our prime because DIY traveling is our passion and it made us richer in knowledge and experiences and our relationship bulletproof.

When we became a family of 3, we did not put our passion on hold just because we have a baby. We were certain that we want our little one to be a globetrotter and part of our next travel journey despite many excuses and reasons NOT to travel with a baby. Excuses such as: wait when they're older, babies will not remember everything, it is too costly, too much inconvenience, and the list goes on! And I hear you, Mommies especially the first time moms like me!

There are gazillion questions in our mind and anxieties in our heart when we travel with our babies and I'm here to share my family's experiences, travel tips, tales, tantrums, and parenting on the flight and on the go with a baby in tow!

I hope that through this blog, you will be inspired to join the travel bug with your family and start creating priceless memories with them because they grow up so fast! So, time to pack those suitcases, Mommy and don't forget to bring the baby bag! Your family's adventure begins.

P.S. For the mommies out there, care to keep this SAHM some company? Let's be friends and follow me on my social accounts!

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