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How To Make A Mile High Super Strong DIY Bubbles At Home

My toddler LOOOOVEEES anything round. You name it--balls, balloons, bubbles and we always have those things all over our house. During the Metro Manila lockdown/ ECQ last March 15, 2020, we ensured that our toddler will always have something to do outdoors aside from swimming in his inflatable pool, gardening, and biking, we also do outdoor play such as blowing bubbles.

I can still remember when I was young, my siblings and I would make DIY bubbles at home. We only use 5 ingredients and materials and these are: Joy dishwashing liquid, water, bubble sticks, Gumamela flower or Hibiscus, and stone to pound the flower and get the "juice". I remember it was effective and fun to do but I know the bubbles we created were small and easily pops.

When I became a mom, I knew that I'll be the thrifty/ DIY type of mom. Although we do not have a Gumamela or Hibiscus flower in our garden, I researched and experimented on the best recipe for a mile high and strong DIY bubbles that will not pop mid-air. I tried plain water and dish soap, I tried the shampoo, and tried bubble bath solution but all would pop easily. I found out that adding one secret ingredient would make a huge difference and this is tried and tested.

Unfortunately, I do not have photos of how I made the bubbles at home but I will share to you the outcome--check the video and see for yourself. Our bubbles are big and can really go high up without popping and the recipe I followed.

To achieve a mile-high bubbles you would need the following:

2 Cups of warm water

1/3 Dishwashing liquid (we used Joy dishwashing liquid soap with Safeguard but you can use any variant and any dishwashing liquid soap)

1/4 Corn syrup (this will make the bubbles "stronger")

Container for your finished product (you may use old plastic container, old jars, or old condiment bottles so you can also recycle those).

For the DIY bubble wand:

BBQ sticks or pencil/pens

Tape or string to tie and secure in place

Paper clips or any wire to make the hole


1. Mix all the wet ingredients in you desired container.

2. Create your DIY bubble wand. Be creative. You can make different shapes and sizes of the hole. You can also make giant bubbles by creating a bigger wand using longer strings and longer stick (See photo below. Photos are not mine.).

I made a similar giant wand using old chopsticks and strings but my toddler find it difficult to use it so he's happy wish-washing the smaller wands that make tiny bubbles.

There you go! Enjoy the outdoors and make unforgettable happy play experience with your kids! I'm sure they will remember playing bubbles with you until they grow up.


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