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Pronuben Baby: Newest Ready-To-Eat Baby Food In The Philippines

When my little one started eating solids at around six months, I used to prepare home cooked meals that has no salt, no sugar, and definitely no honey because honey is very dangerous for babies below 12 months old as it can cause infant botulism. But, when Min Joon turned one year old, I honestly became lenient when it comes to his food because we travel a lot and we do not have a house helper nor a yaya at home to help me cook his food that's why I became more open to ready-to-eat packed baby food as long as the ingredients are natural, no artificial flavors and no preservatives. I would go to the supermarket or specialty stores to try different organic ready-to-eat food and would alway check the ingredients first. If I see that there are added artificial ingredients or ingredients that I cannot even pronounce, I automatically move on to the next brand.

Pronuben Baby is a European food company that produces high quality and safe baby food products. The delightful baby food from Spain is now here in the Philippines! It is the newest player of ready-to-eat baby food in pouches and cups in the country.

We were given some samples of Pronuben Baby food in pouches and cups during the eve of Chinese New Year and my son was able to taste test it. See our unboxing video in our YouTube channel.

What I like about Pronuben Baby is that it is gluten free, it has no added sugar only natural sugar from fruits, and it is a source of vitamin C. I checked the back label of each product and saw that it contains only fruit purees, fruit juice concentrates, cornstarch, and vitamin C.

We first tried the Pronuben Baby's puree in 130g cup format (Chicken with rice flavor) and I like it because the packaging is light compared to the glass jar ones and it also comes with a lid so I can store it in the refrigerator once opened and once my son could not finish the bowl in one sitting. I only re-heat once though and I let my son eat the leftover within 24 hours so that the food is still fresh.

I personally love the 100g pouch format because it's small, convenient, and can be eaten on the go with a spoon (which I prefer) or straight from the pouch if my son wants to feed himself. I always always have at least one food pouch, a pack of his favorite crackers, and water inside my son's baby bag because I don't want him to get hungry when we're out of the house. He's still drinking breastmilk from me though at 13 months old and he also drinks other sources of milk (e.g. cow's milk, almond milk, and soy) as a compliment to his healthy diet.

I know that eating whole and home cooked food is still the best way to feed my child because of the nutrients, the texture of the food that can help him practice chewing or swallowing, and that he can see the actual veggies and fruits in his plate versus purees. But again, I also do not mind giving him ready-to-eat food as an occasional snack when we're out and about like when we're traveling abroad, stuck in traffic, or when he can't eat the food we're eating (e.g. fast food, too much MSG food, raw or spicy food). I don't think that I'm less of a mom to him if I give in to these kind of packed food once in a while. There will always be a debate about baby food preps, eating method (e.g. BLW, spoon-fed etc.) and even about breastmilk versus formula milk because every mom and baby is different. Every experience, family lifestyle, or belief is different and I respect all moms because it's their own decision and their own baby (no to mom shaming please! Just spread love, positivity and support to all mommas out there!). In my opinion, FED IS BEST and YOUR CHILD, YOUR RULES haha!

Overall, I'm happy we got to try Pronuben Baby food and it seems that my son also enjoyed his snack so I'm a satisfied mommy!

*NOTE: This is a sponsored post.

1 comment

1 Comment

Mar 15, 2020

A very informative blog. Thank you mommy, will definitely give this a try. Anyway, i am yout follower from ig and fb.

Ig: @yourskincarelover

Fb: lovely riva reveral

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