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Taiwan Expenses for 4 Days and 3 Nights

The cost of living in Taiwan is at par to cost of living in the Philippines but interestingly Taiwan is far more developed and advanced than the Philippines. Anyway, we stayed in Taiwan for 4 days and 3 nights and we spent a total of 16,521 Php only which already includes airfare, travel taxes, accommodation, and our daily expenses. The main driver for the expenses is in food given that bulk of our itinerary was centered on what to eat.

Here are some tips on how you can save and spend less in your travel to Taiwan:

1. Avoid riding Taxis if you’re traveling alone or with a partner. They have very good public transportation system which is much cheaper.

2. Accommodation is expensive! So look for cheap 2 star hotels or dormitory type accommodation.

3. Eat a lot of street foods which can be served as substitute for meals at restaurant.

4. You can skip Taipei 101 Observatory and National Palace if you’re not fan of historical museums or regular observatory towers as you will not miss out on a lot.

5. Skip the themed restaurants as it is very expensive and food tastes really bad. But you may still visit if you want to take pictures of it.

Hope this post provided you an overview of what to expect and how much to prepare for your up coming Taiwan trip! As always, you can travel around the world one country at a time on a budget! You just need to save, research, wisely spend your money and enjoy every adventure.

Disclaimer: This is an old post from my Blogspot account dated March 24, 2014.


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