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Taiwan's Ultimate Unli Shabu Shabu Experience, Tian Wai Tian Hot Pot

The main reason why we went to Taiwan is to enjoy the great food that they are known for and our main priority was to try their famous hotpot shabu-shabu. We’ve tried a lot of shabu-shabu in the Philippines and we’ve always enjoyed the taste but had to order only small portions and always the cheapest meat given that it is expensive which is why we had the meal of our life when we visited Tian Wai Tian in Taipei.

There are 3 easy steps when eating there: First, select the number of soup chambers you want. We chose two because we wanted to try two different soups.

Second, choose what broth you want. In our case, we chose the Barbecue and the Spicy broth.

Third, select your initial proteins. Since this is unlimited, you are free to order all so you can taste everything.

Basically, the food is great and "nakaka takaw tikim" so I suggest be mindful of your portions if you want to try as many variants as your stomach can handle. For me, the Hotpot Broth is not that unique since they all tasted the same regular shabu-shabu broth but nonetheless, it's really a treat for growling tummy in a foreign country haha.

The seafood (Crabsticks and Scallops in particular) were our favorite! We also tried Crabs, Shrimps, and Oysters to put flavor in the soup. 

Look at that wide selection of ingredients! So many to choose from.

For the Meat, this is actually the first time we’re eating unlimited ANGUS BEEF and AUSTRALIAN RIB EYE--yes, I wrote it all caps because these meat are really expensive that's why we opt to eat more of these.

The drinks and fruits are all unlimited too! You can drink sodas, juices, teas, coffee, shakes and a lot more.

For the desserts, how can you resist the unlimited Haagen-Dazs ice creams! We were so excited for this and talked about this the whole time but when it came to dessert time we were not able to maximize it since we were so full from all the meat and seafood that we ate haha too bad! Now I regret eating all those soups and meat because as I write this blog, I am craving for Haagen Dazs ice cream.

How to get there?

Right the MRT going to Ximending Station and alight at Exit 6. Walk and look for No. 76, 2nd floor, Kūnmíng St, Wanhua District. You can check the street in the directory that you can find within Ximending. The restaurant is in the 2nd floor and there is no English sign of the Shabu-Shabu so don’t forget to remember how the exterior looks before you go there to easily locate it.


NT$419 or 630 Php (11:00 am to 4:00 pm),

NT$479 or 720 Php (4:00 pm to 7.30 am),

Overall Verdict:

It was truly an unforgettable experience having to eat unlimited Angus Beef and Hagen-Dazs Ice-cream for just 630 pesos. But overall the taste is pretty similar to other Shabu-Shabu that we have in the Philippines which is generally dominated by the taste of the broth and the Satay. I definitely recommend visitors to eat here but one visit will do as I felt really sick of eating and did not want to go back after eating so much of the same food. 

Disclaimer: This is an old post from my Blogspot account dated January 12, 2014.


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