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Tsukiji Market: Seafood Heaven

Since Japan is all about sushi and raw food, we blocked one whole day to visit the place where restaurants all over Japan source their seafood and that is in Tsukiji Market.

We went to Tsukiji Market for one eat the best and freshest seafood!!! We obviously were very serious about it that we waited in line for 5 loooong hours just to eat at the famous Sushi Dai Rstaurant. The restaurant is one of the oldest in the area and tourists are willing to wait to taste the sushi recommended by the chef. While waiting in line, my friends and I tried to entertain ourselves by exploring Tsukiji Market and here are some of things you will see:

1. Authentic Japanese Restaurants- I've witnessed several people attempting to wait at the Sushi Dai Restaurant line for a few hours and then gave up because they were too hungry or they are not willing to spend that much time lining up. But there are numerous Japanese Restaurants around the area that you can explore as an alternative. Look at the menu and check the restaurant's specialty. Some specialize in rice bowls, others sushi or sometimes noodles. 

2. Market Food Stall- If formal restaurants are not your thing, you may try the food found in market stalls. They are equally yummy and they're much cheaper compare to restaurants in Tsukiji Market.

We tried the tuna sashimi rice bowl and it comes with hot green tea for free. My partner and I shared one bowl because we wanted to try as many snacks as we can.

3. Shop Shop Shop! You can see a lot of knick knacks in Tsukiji Market. It is best to buy kitchen ware, ceramics, and green tea or matcha here because it's cheaper compared to the main city or in malls. I bought a lot of Japanese tea cups and matcha powder here as "Pasalubong" or gift.

4. FRESH food is obviously the main reason why you would want to go to Tsukiji Market. I can assure you that you'll get very excited seeing fresh tuna, salmon, oysters, clams, crabs and wasabi (plant form) here. Here are some of the things we saw:

Surprisingly, I liked the fresh oysters because the meat is soooooo creamy! It was my second time to try fresh oysters...the first time in the Philippines and didn't like it at all. But when I tried it in Tsukiji, it was super yummy I had to buy myself another one!


Tsukiji Market is the best place to eat seafood in Tokyo. I highly suggest you explore the market while waiting for your turn in Sushi Dai Restaurant. In that way, you get to do three things at once!--Eat at Sushi Dai, try different street food, and shop! :) But even if you don't intend to go to Sushi Dai, Tsukiji Market is a MUST VISIT for all tourists going to Tokyo. It was so good that we had to go back there twice to eat breakfast! We highly recommend this since this is where you can find the freshest and most delicious seafood (raw or cooked) in the world and it is indeed a place where I can definitely call it Seafood Heaven.

Disclaimer: This is an old post from my Blogspot account dated December 26, 2014.


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